Research, Sales & Trading

Drive stronger client engagement and expand wallet share

Leverage insights to truly understand your client needs, ensuring effective coverage of client organization across Research, Sales & Trading. Manage high-value services like analysts and corporate access seamlessly across the service value chain.

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Drive greater transparency and accountability across the organization

One of the greatest challenges facing institutional brokers is to drive greater accountability across the client service value chain. We drive both organization and individual level accountability to the client across the Research, Sales & Trading functions.

Match client requirements to
services delivered

Your client’s commercial priorities and focus are forever evolving based on market events and performance pressures. Meet your clients’ expectations time after time by accurately mapping their requirements and tracking their delivery.

Target customer profiles and needs more effectively

All CRMs in the institutional stock-broking domain consume tonnes of data but few deliver valuable insights to feed the client service value chain. Drive stronger customer engagement with smart data insights.

Deliver and track corporate and analyst access

Your research product and ability to deliver high-performing corporates as well as emerging corporates to your institutional investor client base accounts for bulk of your revenues. We deliver you seamless capability to target your top-paying as well as potential top-paying clients with an effective access management tool.

Boost your tactical research marketing capabilities

Your research analysts are not merely passive producers of content. We ensure your research product proactively engages your client-base despite their diverse investment priorities and focus, building a stronger brand recall and engagement across your client-base.

Bring stronger focus to revenue generation and potential

Institutional stock-broking continues to remain extremely competitive with clients expecting more and more value while looking to pay for such services in a more discerning manner. We empower business decision makers with the right data insights to maximize wallet-share and overall business level revenue management.

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Thought Leadership